Stardom Scientific Journal of Economy and management Studies

The impact of Job Empowerment on Organizational Culture. Case Study of ASME Integrated Solutions in Egypt

Puplisher : Stardom



The study aimed to: To demonstrate the impact of Job empowerment on organizational culture, Case study: ASME Integrated Solutions Company in the Arab Republic of Egypt, the researcher used the descriptive analytical approach and the questionnaire as the main tool for collecting data. It included 40 items to collect primary data, The study population consisted of all employees at ASME Integrated Solutions Company in the Arab Republic of Egypt, whose number is (50) employees, the researcher used the comprehensive survey method due to the small size of the study community, and a sample of 48 items was retrieved with a recovery rate of 96%.The dimensions of the independent variable in job empowerment were studied, which were: delegation of powers, independence, participation in decision-making, and access to information. The study concluded with results: There is a statistically significant impact at the level (α ≤ 0.05) for job empowerment on the organizational culture of employees at ASME Integrated Solutions Company in the Arab Republic of Egypt, where job empowerment obtained a percentage of (83.8%), and participation in decision-making obtained the highest percentage of (86%), and Organizational culture at a percentage of (85.6%), and the results showed that there were no statistically significant differences at a significance level (α ≤ 0.05) between the average responses of the study sample members at ASME Integrated Solutions Company in the Arab Republic of Egypt regarding the study variables (job empowerment and organizational culture) attributed to demographic and personal variables: (gender, age group, years of service, educational qualification, job title). The study recommended enhancing the delegation of powers and responsibilities to employees, improving employee performance and helping them keep pace with technological developments and changes in the work environment. It also emphasized encouraging and supporting independence and creating effective communication channels, in addition to enhancing shared values ​​and a unified vision and encouraging innovation and creativity as part of the organizational culture.

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