Stardom Scientific Journal of Economy and management Studies

The Impact of Entrepreneurial Skills on Enhancing Self-Employment Opportunities for Students and Graduates of Palestine Technical College: A Field Study in the Gaza Strip”

Puplisher : Stardom


This study aimed to analyse the impact of entrepreneurial skills on enhancing self-employment opportunities for graduates of Palestine Technical College in the Gaza Strip. The descriptive analytical approach was used to collect and analyse data, with an electronic questionnaire distributed to a sample of 158 graduates and students. The results showed that the level of graduates’ entrepreneurial skills was high (79.56%), with communication and time management skills being the most prominent, while financial risk management was the least applied. Self-employment opportunities were also found to be significantly available (82.26%), though funding remains a major obstacle for graduates. Regression analysis indicated a statistically significant relationship between entrepreneurial skills and self-employment opportunities, underscoring the importance of enhancing entrepreneurial education and practical training. The study recommended integrating entrepreneurship courses into curricula, providing financial support and practical training programs for graduates, and strengthening the college’s role in developing entrepreneurial skills.

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