Stardom Scientific Journal of Economy and management Studies

البنك الدولي، مفهومه ، وإستراتيجيته ، ومجموعاته المالية، والفرق بينه وبين صندوق النقد الدولي

Puplisher : Stardom


The international financial institution called the World Bank plays a major role, negatively and positively, on the policy of member states, through direct influence on their economic, financial and trade policies, because the World Bank includes a number of large industrialized and developed countries such as America, Japan, Germany, France and England that control and control The Bank’s policy and strategy, according to its own interests and its political, economic and commercial alliances, in this modest and simple research we referred to the concept of the Bank as an international financial institution, and to the historical stages of establishing the World Bank In addition to the main objectives of the Bank as well as its constituent financial groups, in addition to our reference to the intimate relationship between the German Jewish Rothschild family and the World Bank and its institutions, which controls the Bank’s policy, decision-making and strategy, since its inception to the present day, and we referred to the Bank’s resources and how to obtain them. In addition to the Bank’s business strategy, the difference between it and the International Monetary Fund, and the challenges facing its work ,The World Bank, as well as the great role played by the World Bank in assisting and supporting countries in facing the Corona crisis and its effects on economic, commercial and financial life, and we referred to the World Bank’s expectations for the state of the global and financial economy during the coming and future period.





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